Melancholy to Mediocracy:
A Student Documentary on Isolation
Isabella Laccetti- Student Photographer
A photography class documentary assignment was interrupted by COVID-19 as were the lives of several students, and every human being on this planet. This is what that assignment became, a look into the life of a single student during this time of isolation that took away the end to their collegiate senior year.
The story is one of three days of separate stages of their personal journey with their emotions and isolation while stranded in their college home away from their family. The story starts alone, at a stage of pure Melancholy and anger with the situation, almost refusing to accept it. It progresses to a stage of adjustment to this new life of isolation with some company of friends. It concludes with accepting and coping with the mediocracy that has become the end of their college career and this part of their life in general.
This is my story, a real story, told through my cell phone camera, showing what I'm sure all students have felt at some point of this time: Melancholy to Mediocracy
March 2020-May2020
Done for Art 229 at Catholic University